▼CNSObject | |
CSTSAttribute | Attribute data class |
CSTSAttributeList | Sparksee attribute identifier list |
CSTSAttributeListIterator | AttributeList iterator class |
CSTSAttributeStatistics | Attribute statistics class |
CSTSBooleanList | Boolean list |
CSTSBooleanListIterator | BooleanList iterator class |
▼CSTSCommunityDetection | CommunityDetection class |
▼CSTSDisjointCommunityDetection | DisjointCommunityDetection class |
CSTSCommunitiesSCD | CommunitiesSCD class |
CSTSConnectedComponents | ConnectedComponents class |
▼CSTSConnectivity | Connectivity class |
▼CSTSStrongConnectivity | StrongConnectivity class |
CSTSStrongConnectivityGabow | This class can be used to solve the problem of finding strongly connected components in a directed graph |
▼CSTSWeakConnectivity | WeakConnectivity class |
CSTSWeakConnectivityDFS | WeakConnectivityDFS class |
CSTSContext | Context class |
CSTSCSVLoader | |
CSTSDatabase | Database class |
CSTSDatabaseStatistics | Database statistics |
CSTSDisjointCommunities | DisjointCommunities class |
CSTSEdgeData | Edge data class |
CSTSEdgeExport | Stores edge exporting values |
▼CSTSExportManager | Defines how to export a graph to an external format |
CSTSDefaultExport | Default implementation for ExportManager class |
CSTSGraph | Graph class |
CSTSGraphExport | Stores the graph exporting values |
CSTSInt32List | Sparksee 32-bit signed integer list |
CSTSInt32ListIterator | Int32List iterator class |
CSTSKeyValue | |
CSTSKeyValues | Value set class |
CSTSKOpt | KOpt class |
CSTSNodeExport | Stores the node exporting values |
CSTSObjects | Object identifier set class |
CSTSObjectsIterator | ObjectsIterator class |
CSTSOidList | Sparksee object identifier list |
CSTSOidListIterator | OIDList iterator class |
CSTSPageRank | PageRank class |
CSTSPlatform | Platform class |
CSTSPlatformStatistics | Platform data and statistics |
CSTSQuery | Query class |
CSTSQueryStream | Query stream interface |
CSTSResultSet | ResultSet class |
CSTSResultSetList | ResultSet list |
CSTSResultSetListIterator | ResultSetList iterator class |
▼CSTSRowReader | RowReader interface |
CSTSCSVReader | CSVReader interface |
▼CSTSRowWriter | RowWriter interface |
CSTSCSVWriter | CSVWriter interface |
CSTSScriptParser | ScriptParser |
CSTSSession | Session class |
▼CSTSShortestPath | ShortestPath class |
▼CSTSSinglePairShortestPath | SinglePairShortestPath class |
CSTSSinglePairShortestPathBFS | SinglePairShortestPathBFS class |
CSTSSinglePairShortestPathDijkstra | SinglePairShortestPathDijkstra class |
CSTSSinglePairShortestPathDijkstraDynamicCost | Defines how to calculate an edge weight |
CSTSSparksee | Sparksee class |
CSTSSparkseeConfig | Sparksee configuration class |
CSTSSparkseeProperties | Sparksee properties file |
CSTSStringList | String list |
CSTSStringListIterator | StringList iterator class |
CSTSTextStream | TextStream class |
▼CSTSTraversal | Traversal class |
CSTSRandomWalk | RandomWalk class |
CSTSTraversalBFS | Breadth-First Search implementation of Traversal |
CSTSTraversalDFS | Depth-First Search (DFS) implementation of Traversal |
CSTSType | Type data class |
▼CSTSTypeExporter | Base TypeExporter class |
CSTSEdgeTypeExporter | EdgeTypeExporter class |
CSTSNodeTypeExporter | NodeTypeExporter class |
CSTSTypeExporterEvent | Provides information about the progress of an TypeExproter instance |
CSTSTypeExporterListener | Interface to be implemented to receive TypeExporterEvent events from a TypeExporter |
CSTSTypeList | Sparksee type identifier list |
CSTSTypeListIterator | TypeList iterator class |
▼CSTSTypeLoader | Base TypeLoader class |
CSTSEdgeTypeLoader | EdgeTypeLoader class |
CSTSNodeTypeLoader | NodeTypeLoader class |
CSTSTypeLoaderEvent | Provides information about the progress of a TypeLoader instance |
CSTSTypeLoaderListener | Interface to be implemented to receive TypeLoaderEvent events from a TypeLoader |
CSTSValue | Value class |
CSTSValueArray | ValueArray class |
CSTSValueList | Value list |
CSTSValueListIterator | ValueList iterator class |
CSTSValues | Value set class |
CSTSValuesIterator | Values iterator class |
CSWIGTYPE_p_wchar_t |