Sparksee  6.0.2
Graph Member List

This is the complete list of members for Graph, including all inherited members.

Backup(const std::wstring &file)Graph
Degree(oid_t oid, type_t etype, EdgesDirection dir)Graph
Drop(oid_t oid)Graph
Drop(Objects *objs)Graph
DumpData(const std::wstring &file)Graph
DumpStorage(const std::wstring &file)Graph
Edges(type_t etype, oid_t tail, oid_t head)Graph
EncryptedBackup(const std::wstring &file, const std::wstring &keyInHex, const std::wstring &ivInHex)Graph
Explode(oid_t oid, type_t etype, EdgesDirection dir)Graph
Explode(Objects *objs, type_t etype, EdgesDirection dir)Graph
Export(const std::wstring &file, ExportType type, ExportManager *em)Graph
FindAttribute(type_t type, const std::wstring &name)Graph
FindAttributes(type_t type)Graph
FindEdge(type_t etype, oid_t tail, oid_t head)Graph
FindObject(attr_t attr, Value &value)Graph
FindOrCreateEdge(type_t etype, oid_t tail, oid_t head)Graph
FindOrCreateObject(attr_t attr, Value &value)Graph
FindType(const std::wstring &name)Graph
FreeHandler()Handler< sparksee_core::DbGraph >private
GetArrayAttribute(oid_t oid, attr_t attr)Graph
GetAttribute(oid_t oid, attr_t attr, Value &value)Graph
GetAttribute(oid_t oid, attr_t attr)Graph
GetAttribute(attr_t attr)Graph
GetAttributeIntervalCount(attr_t attr, Value &lower, bool_t includeLower, Value &higher, bool_t includeHigher)Graph
GetAttributes(oid_t oid)Graph
GetAttributeStatistics(attr_t attr, bool_t basic)Graph
GetAttributeText(oid_t oid, attr_t attr)Graph
GetEdgeData(oid_t edge)Graph
GetEdgePeer(oid_t edge, oid_t node)Graph
GetHandler()Handler< sparksee_core::DbGraph >inlineprivate
GetHandler() constHandler< sparksee_core::DbGraph >inlineprivate
GetObjectType(oid_t oid)Graph
GetType(type_t type)Graph
GetValues(attr_t attr)Graph
Handler()Handler< sparksee_core::DbGraph >inlineprivate
Handler(sparksee_core::DbGraph *h)Handler< sparksee_core::DbGraph >inlineprivate
Heads(Objects *edges)Graph
IndexAttribute(attr_t attr, AttributeKind kind)Graph
IndexNeighbors(type_t edgeType, bool_t neighbors)Graph
IsNull() constHandler< sparksee_core::DbGraph >inlineprivate
Neighbors(oid_t oid, type_t etype, EdgesDirection dir)Graph
Neighbors(Objects *objs, type_t etype, EdgesDirection dir)Graph
NewArrayAttribute(type_t type, const std::wstring &name, DataType dt, int32_t size)Graph
NewAttribute(type_t type, const std::wstring &name, DataType dt, AttributeKind kind)Graph
NewAttribute(type_t type, const std::wstring &name, DataType dt, AttributeKind kind, Value &defaultValue)Graph
NewEdge(type_t type, oid_t tail, oid_t head)Graph
NewEdge(type_t type, attr_t tailAttr, Value &tailV, attr_t headAttr, Value &headV)Graph
NewEdgeType(const std::wstring &name, bool_t directed, bool_t neighbors)Graph
NewNode(type_t type)Graph
NewNodeType(const std::wstring &name)Graph
NewRestrictedEdgeType(const std::wstring &name, type_t tail, type_t head, bool_t neighbors)Graph
NewSessionArrayAttribute(type_t type, DataType dt, int32_t size)Graph
NewSessionAttribute(type_t type, DataType dt, AttributeKind kind)Graph
NewSessionAttribute(type_t type, DataType dt, AttributeKind kind, Value &defaultValue)Graph
RemoveAttribute(attr_t attr)Graph
RemoveType(type_t type)Graph
RenameAttribute(attr_t attr, const std::wstring &newName)Graph
RenameType(const std::wstring &oldName, const std::wstring &newName)Graph
RenameType(type_t type, const std::wstring &newName)Graph
Select(type_t type)Graph
Select(attr_t attr, Condition cond, const Value &value)Graph
Select(attr_t attr, Condition cond, const Value &lower, const Value &higher)Graph
Select(attr_t attr, Condition cond, const Value &value, const Objects *restriction)Graph
Select(attr_t attr, Condition cond, const Value &lower, const Value &higher, const Objects *restriction)Graph
SetArrayAttribute(oid_t oid, attr_t attr, const Value &value)Graph
SetArrayAttribute(attr_t attr, const Value &value)Graph
SetArrayAttributeVoid(oid_t oid, attr_t attr, const Value &value)Graph
SetAttribute(oid_t oid, attr_t attr, Value &value)Graph
SetAttribute(attr_t attr, Value &value)Graph
SetAttributeDefaultValue(attr_t attr, Value &value)Graph
SetAttributeText(oid_t oid, attr_t attr, TextStream *tstream)Graph
SetHandler(sparksee_core::DbGraph *h)Handler< sparksee_core::DbGraph >inlineprivate
Tails(Objects *edges)Graph
TailsAndHeads(Objects *edges, Objects *tails, Objects *heads)Graph
TopK(attr_t attribute, Order order, int32_t k)Graph
TopK(attr_t attribute, Condition operation, const Value &lower, Order order, int32_t k)Graph
TopK(attr_t attribute, Condition operation, const Value &lower, const Value &higher, Order order, int32_t k)Graph
TopK(attr_t attribute, Order order, int32_t k, Objects *restriction)Graph
TopK(attr_t attribute, Condition operation, const Value &lower, Order order, int32_t k, Objects *restriction)Graph
TopK(attr_t attribute, Condition operation, const Value &lower, const Value &higher, Order order, int32_t k, Objects *restriction)Graph
~Handler()Handler< sparksee_core::DbGraph >inlineprivatevirtual